Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tenchijin Preview

Just found the nine-minute preview of Tenchijin on youtube (I'm slow, eat it) and OMG! I'm already having a spaz attack. It looks like it will be everything I ever wanted and more. TwTb

Some highlights/comments (and bad/weak translations) for me:

*Kanetsugu is (not) surprisingly a very pure samurai with a huge heart, pure, has extreme devotion issues and seems somewhat dorky... I'M IN LOVE. <3

Que (0:30): "I have no other place in life other right by your side, my lord!" 8D THAT'S SAMURAI DEVOTION FOR YOU.

Que (0:40): Only Kanetsugu would do cheesy heroic acts like that. My hero. <3

Que (1:04/1:28): "Higuchi Yoroku grows up in Echigo with a loving family, while (nobody likes) Kiheiji is an outcast (and anti-social)." I'm really loving the contrast between the two: the age difference, the different environments they grew up in, the "FIGHT." This is going to be one FUN lord/retainer relationship. <3

Que (1:52): ... He better WEAR that helmet at least once. 8D

Que (2:45): Abe Hiroshi makes a SEXY Kenshin (AND his outfit is BADASS), in a different kind of way than Gackt in Fuurin Kazan, not to say that he wasn't glamorous either. XD

Que (3:05/3:20): Kagekatsu: "No matter what, we'll always be together." All together now: AWWWWWWW~ (3:20) is just too damn adorable too. TwT And before anyone says anything, I'm not being a yaoi fangirl or anything, I just tend to adore childhood friendships. I must say it's also strange to see Kitamura as Kagekatsu for me, mainly becuase he's so serious in here and the only drama I have seen him on is Akihabara so... to those who have seen Akihabara, you know what I'm talking about. XDD

Que (4:15): I have only seen Koizumi Kotaro act in Gokusen 3 and I must say I'm really excited that he's in here as well. Plus, he makes an excellent little brother. <3

Que (5:08): Tamayama Tetsuji (aka Takumi from NANA) makes a HAWT Kagetora, oh mai. His hair style is really awesome too, which is abnormal for people of this time. xD Waaah, I get sad just thinking about how he's going to die later. Him and his wiffu look really sweet together. TwT

Que (5:44): FUTURE WIFFU ALMOST RUNS HIM OVER WITH A HORSE? YES. This is the right way to start off relationships. 8D Osen seems so dignified yet charming, I'm getting a really good feeling from her, especially at (5:57) where she says, "Not a princess. A widow (I'm guessing) is a widow."

Que (6:19) And in comes Hatsune (Yukimura's younger "ninja" sister) played by Nagasawa Misami looking as fabalous as ever. <3> what is up with the Sanada clan and their obsession with ninjas? XDD

Que (8:20): YAY Oguri Shun as Ishida Mitsunari! <3>He really has the "MITSUNARI look" IMO, I just wish he would change his hair style... unless of course it's suppose to the hair where it's not quite long enough to tie it into a pony tail type of hair I can understand that... but didn't usually people do the whole "middle of the head" cut when they do have enough... hair? o.O It's confusing.

Que (8:50): Kanetsugu: "Without honor (justice w/e), people are just like [insert something I can't understand]" Nobunaga: "To create a new world... I would let demons devour my soul." OMG, I really want to see this part. Kanetsugu at the end looks like he can't beilieve that someone could say something like that about honor, LOLz. Oh you poor thing. <3

As for the rest of the cast... Matsuda Ryuhei (Ren from NANA) is going to be Date Masamune. *snickers* I really can't imagine him playing the role but we'll see. That's it for now, though I am really tempted to watch the raws (I'm guessing I could at least understand 1/3 of it), I'll wait for the goodness. :3

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I haven't exactly started yet, but this blog will basically be random Asian (historical, cultural)ramblings of a university student. I will also be blogging Tenchijin (NHK 2009) and other series when the it comes out in subs. Yorishiku onegaishimasu.