Nobunaga: "I solemny swear I am up to no good."
Significant Events:
-The riots in Etchu are quelled.
-Kagetora and Hana-hime get married!
-Nobunaga has successfully cast out Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki and defeated the Azai and the Asakura. A year later in 1574, Nobunaga sends a golden painted screen as a gift to Kenshin to test his intentions.
-Introduction of Hatsune, Nobunaga’s messenger.
-Kanetsugu is sent as the messenger for the return gift to Nobunaga.
My Ramblings:
One thing I must note before I start on the talk: I MUST have that piano piece that has been playing throughout the sad/peaceful parts so far. It’s so pretty! *.* Maybe I’ll get the OST or something. So, in this episode another year has passed, which means Kanetsugu is now fifthteen. Keeping his age in mind while watching Tenchijin has made me grown to like Kanetsugu a lot; he’s simply adorable with his cry-baby ways.
-The riots in Etchu are quelled.
-Kagetora and Hana-hime get married!
-Nobunaga has successfully cast out Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki and defeated the Azai and the Asakura. A year later in 1574, Nobunaga sends a golden painted screen as a gift to Kenshin to test his intentions.
-Introduction of Hatsune, Nobunaga’s messenger.
-Kanetsugu is sent as the messenger for the return gift to Nobunaga.
My Ramblings:
One thing I must note before I start on the talk: I MUST have that piano piece that has been playing throughout the sad/peaceful parts so far. It’s so pretty! *.* Maybe I’ll get the OST or something. So, in this episode another year has passed, which means Kanetsugu is now fifthteen. Keeping his age in mind while watching Tenchijin has made me grown to like Kanetsugu a lot; he’s simply adorable with his cry-baby ways.
Dum Dum DUUUM~
This episode finally kicks in with the romance between Osen and Kanetsugu, though I’m quite sure it’s not to the point of love yet. It was priceless watching Kanetsugu acting so young and shy around Osen during the rainstorm. Kanetsugu is found of Osen, that much I can tell, but with Kagekatsu’s affection for Osen in the way, he seems to deny it himself. He may never cease to be a devote follower of Kagekatsu, but I can’t help at this point thinking that this is probably his greatest strength and flaw at the same time. Of course with such strong devotion, he is a great person and a great retainer, but despite that, the same devotion often tends to make him place others above himself all the time. He denies himself of thoughts and desires that could go against his lord’s best interests (as demonstrated with him running out into the rain).
Oyuu: "Pfft, don't even try to hide it."
As for Osen, she’s probably not in love with Kanetsugu, but definitely favors him and cares about him. It might seem as first to be the affection of an older sister, but I have a feeling from her temper she had after she talked to Kanetsugu about Hana-hime’s gift says something else, perhaps nothing along the lines of romantic love, but maybe a sort of innate desire for Kanetsugu to recognize her as someone important to him (hence her frequent, “I saved you from that tree n00b and you don’t remember anything!”)
On to the other couples/romances! Kagekatsu has gotten in a few words with Osen here and there, but seriously, they’ve only talked about Kanetsugu so far. If Kagekatsu wants a relationship, he’s going to have to do better than that ROFL. I don’t remember too clearly, but I believe the relationship between Oyuu and Kenshin was also a small detail in Fuurin Kazan as it is in Tenchijin. I can’t help but feel sorry for her, since Kenshin won’t ever take a wife. On the other hand, Kagetora and Hana are so adorable. The lines between them were a little cheesy, yes, but considering the actual history of the Uesugi clan later, I think Hana’s words then will have great significance in the future for the two of them. I will enjoy their relationship while it lasts. TwT ONWARD to screen shot talk!
Drunk Osen= best scene in the entire episode. 8D
You're telling me. I have to wait a whole week to see the next episode! D8
Other than that I don’t have much to say about this episode, other than Kanetsugu is SO DEAD after he gets to Gifu (see above). I’m intrigued at to how he’s going to save his own ass (maybe Mitsunari will help, y/y? 8D).