Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 3]

Catch phrase of the year. Pffft.

Significant Events:
-The Uesugi decide to lend aid to the forces in Etchu. However, being cautious of the Takeda, Kenshin also places forces at Tossaka Castle. Kanetsugu has a hunch that Shingen is already dead and therefore they should head for Kyoto, but his suggestion is rejected.
-Introduction of Uesugi Kagetora, a hostage from the Hojo Clan and Kenshin’s second adopted son.
-Introduction of Osen, the daughter of Naoe Kagetsuna and cousin to Kanetsugu.
-Kagekatsu falls in love with Osen.
-Nobunaga and Kenshin learn of Shingen’s death.

My Ramblings:
Out of all the episodes so far, the entertainment value for this one was sky high. The politics barely took up any of the plot, as the episode jumps straight into introducing characters and developing them and their relationship with others. From this episode alone I think that Tenchijin would be an awesome first taiga for anyone, mainly because it’s very new with well-known, young actors and elements (hello, girls fawning/fainting over a hot guy? High school drama anyone? XD) that make it feel more like a regular drama than a historical one.

Is anyone else amused that Hisahide isn't even surprised when he walks in on them? 8'D

But moving on, I think one thing should be mentioned, when watching this episode especially, is the fact that Kanetsugu is only fourteen at this time. Yes, fourteen. I checked back on episode one and the year when Yoroku was five years old was 1564. Then on episode two the year for the time skip was 1573. Only nine years have passed! Now, if Kanetsugu is only fourteen, than likewise Kagekatsu and all the other pages will probably be only in their late teens at the most. The only reason I point this out is because it’s painful to watch someone you think is a grown man (or in my case, as least in their early twenties lol) act like such a child and cry rivers about everything. But when you put his age into perspective, everything is a lot more plausible. Kanetsugu still is a child after all.

And so concludes Taiga Rule #2: Any one character can only have two actors/actresses. AKA You look about the same from the time when you are a teenager to when you are fifty.

Hana is just adorable~ Dammit, I swear I'm gonna turn bi before Tenchijin is over. 8'D

But that aside, what to say about this episode? There’s really too much fun things I could note, but I’ll try to just center my thoughts around the things I found really entertaining. One thing I really noticed straight away about Kanetsugu and Kagekatsu is their amazing relationship as complete opposites. When Kiheiji said he didn’t talk much last episode, he wasn’t kidding. Kagekatsu barely says anything at all, and when he does it’s only, at the most, one sentence responses or deathly glares, but he does smile and does absolutely goofy things occasionally (omg, the whole sword cleaning fiasco? Priceless). He’s a tsundere, to put it shortly. Kanetsugu, on the other hand, has energy drinks for breakfast all the time and is always doing his best to let his lord shine or help him succeed, even to the point of writing love letters in place of him and giving Kagekatsu credit for his own ideas. He’s emotional, childish, but very smile worthy. I especially adored the part where he saved Kagekatsu’s ass by dancing during the pre-battle celebration. 8D They work very well together, IMO.


Let’s talk about Osen. Wow, she’s my hero. She’s a kind of “modernized” heroine, the kind of girl that could kick-your ass at horse riding yet also the type that likes to fixes her appearance in the mirror afterwards. She’s direct, very refined, yet playful all at the same time (plus you have to be quite a character to be able to command your father’s lord’s son to “make himself clear” without getting in trouble for it 8D). I feel sorry for her maid actually, lol. I’ve also read somewhere that she's supposed to be about five years older than Kanetsugu maybe, so I’m guessing she’s around Kagekatsu’s age. All in all, she’s such a breath of fresh air from all the other heroines in the taiga I’ve seen so far, with perhaps maybe the exception of Yodo from Komyo ga Tsuji and Otsu from Musashi. I think I’ll let my screens do the rest of the talking, hmm?

Wardrobe change! And yes, I do have a crush on Kenshin (or more specifically Abe's Kenshin <3)

Now this is my kind of party. Kekeke.

Dammit Kagetora stop being so hawt. D8

Pretty pretty Osen down by the lake. I love this scene. <3

Why in the world is she wearing that? XD Sanada Yukimura's sister, for all those who are curious.

8’D I can’t wait for the next episode. Hatsune~!