Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 2]

Does anyone else not see how those straw outfit s are suppose to keep people warm?

Significant Events
-Yoroku runs away from the temple and Kiheiji goes after him.
-Kiheiji and Yoroku form a “bond.”
-(Time Jump) Kanetsugu and Hisahide spy on the Takeda and run into Takeda general Kosaka Danjo of Kaeda Castle. They are almost mauled by the Takeda soldiers when he realizes they are spies.
-The Asai, Asakura, and Mori have allied against Nobunaga, who has control of Kyoto, while Takeda Shingen also marches against him from the western side.

My Ramblings
Not many Taiga dramas start out with a whole two episodes devoted to the childhood of the main character, and in that aspect, I think Tenchijin is amazing. The whole “lord/retainer” bond between Keheiji and Yoroku is rather interesting. Their personalities really complement each other well: Kiheiji is refined and almost never speaks and keeps to himself while Yoroku is stubborn and hot-headed and seems to be incapable of keeping anything to himself (lol). I’m interested to see how they’ll get along now that they’ve grown and developed even more contrasting personalities (judging from the previews).
This scene was even sadder than the first parting. BAW~

And once again, Yoroku’s mother wins extra points. Where else in the world would you find a mother who kicks her five year old son back out in the winter cold in the middle of night for his own good? TwTb I honestly felt more sorry for her than Yoroku. And then right after that came the epic scene where Kiheiji comes to fetch Yoroku, which I think was one of the best (if not obviously symbolic) scenes out of the whole episode. The light, the small glance Kiheiji makes towards Yoroku's mother, it was all very... fate-like and mystical.

In any other setting, this would have been a love confession. 8'D

But philosophy aside, this is episode was also just full of win and so much cute. So many instances just made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside AKA Kiheiji "secretly" looking out for Yoroku (rice ball scene anyone?), Kiheiji telling Yoroku that he cries too much, Yoroku’s mother seeing Kiheiji carry Yoroku… I’m really starting to like Kagekatsu even more so than Kanetsugu right now, which is strange since I usually tend not to like stiff types. Another scene that was strangely awesome (and amazingly dorky) for me was Kanetsugu imagining Kenshin at Kawanakajima. Oh Kanetsugu, you fanboy~ Seeing Nobunaga throw his things all over the place for Hideyoshi to catch also made me giggle.


The only slight downside? I really wish they didn’t do the echo when Kiheiji asked Yoroku to stay with him. It just ruined the scene for me. D8 This episode has gotten better with the slow-mo moments for now, but I’m still scared that later on during some epic scene they do it again and ruin it. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching a regular Japanese drama instead of a Taiga when viewing Tenchijin but I guess it’s something new and to be expected, with a character like Kanetsugu being the main lead and all (look above for reference 8'D).

Lady Sento-in is amazingly gorgeous. *w*

Kagekatsu: ...What?

And as for the preview for next episode: Did I just see Kagekatsu fall in love with Osen? I had suspected that they were going to do that but GAH I didn’t really expect them to do it, you know? I’m really curious how this mess is going to be resolved (unless of course they don’t resolve it like they did in Fuurin Kazan, ahaha).

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