Significant Events
-Nobunaga defeats the Takeda at Nagashino and invades Echizen and Etchu.
-Introduction of Ishida Sakichi (Mitsunari), a newly hired retainer of Hideyoshi.
-Kagetora and Hana have their first son named Domanmaru.
-Osen gets engaged to continue the Naoe family line because Oyu becomes a nun.
-(1576) Kenshin decides to fight against Nobunaga and moves to invade Etchu.
My Ramblings:
Meh, this episode wasn’t as epic as I thought it would be but it was still good nevertheless. The politics definitely came back into the main plot after Kanetsugu barely escapes from Nobunaga with his life (lol). Nothing much really happened though, and the character relationships have been put in the background for now while Kenshin’s character development and the overall emphasis of the attitude of the Uesugi were the main priorities of the episode.
Too late. Nobunaga is not pleased. :<
Let’s first start off with the minor character developments. Oh gawd, I completely love Nobunaga in this episode. He was already seriously evil and bad-ass in the previous episodes (I still think his actor is amazing for being able to do the slow smirk so well *A*), but he was definitely at his best in this episode. You’ve got some serious competition Komyo ga Tsuji!Nobunaga (him being an equally amazing Nobunaga). Hideyoshi also surprisingly got a very nice, more refined personality change now that he’s the lord of a castle. I must say I’m really starting to enjoy his performance. And can anyone say Tsundere!Kagekatsu? Oh man, I missed seeing that side of Kagekatsu so much. He’s even starting to talk more! Daaw, I’m so proud of him. 8’D
The whole development with Kenshin was really memorable. He’s the kind of lord that lives on justice, yes, and as Nobunaga said maybe that justice was just “an excuse” to go into battle. But everyone has their own reasons, selfish or not, to go into battle so that really isn’t the point. The interesting part about it was that Kenshin actually had some hesitation in wanting to send his soldiers out to battle Nobunaga for the sake of “justice,” which is strange since I’m pretty sure that every time he fought it was for the sake of justice (aside from maybe him fighting his elder brother). But I guess he comes to this sort of realization that he if he does fight Nobunaga, it won’t necessarily be for unifying Echigo, it won’t be for the good of his people only, but something on a grander scale, which makes him hesitant to “follow his heart.” I find that Kenshin is very much like an older, more mature version of Kanetsugu. While Kanetsugu is impulsive and always acts on his emotions, Kenshin is the more rational side of him; he wants to make sure he isn’t going into battle for the wrong reasons based on only his emotions alone.
My thoughts exactly Osen, my thoughts exactly.
Kanetsugu, Kanetsugu... I’m starting to get tired of him really fast. D8 When he was young, he was cute and naïve, and that was more than acceptable for a tween. But by the end of the episode, it’s 1576 and he is now seventeen years old... and he still hasn’t matured, must less changed. I don’t mind if Kanetsugu stays an overly passionate samurai; he can still be a devoted retainer, he can still live by justice, he can still pretend he’s not in love with Osen, I just wish he would realize he lives in reality and not some sparkly justice!snow globe. The next episode (judging from the previews) seems to further my point. Augh, it’s one of those episodes I really didn’t want to have in Tenchijin (this isn’t Peace Maker Kurogane, wtf). Well, I suppose character growth has to start somewhere and better late than never.
Mmm, I smell a new favorite couple in the making. 8'D
Let’s talk about Hatsune and S-Sakichi. Omg, I never realized that Mitsunari had such an adorable childhood name (I must write SW!fanfiction based off this now 8’D). It seems like Mitsunari and Hatsune have this kind of… weird relationship going on. For one, I didn’t think that Mitsunari would actually consent to do things for Hatsune (I mean, heck it's not like Hatsune couldn't have saved Kanetsugu herself, hee hee). It’s like they are friends but not exactly friends… partners in crime maybe. *snickers* In any case I really hope to see more of them together, they seem like a couple I would like (and write fanfiction on 8'D). Well that’s enough talking for one episode, screen talk time!
Wut is this, a shoujo manga? ROFL.
Oh Kagekatsu, you tsundere. 8'D
Some Japanese culture for you all, ehehe...Preview for the next episode. This does not bode well. :<
Hi! I'm starstray's infamous flatmate; saw the link here in one of your comment on her LJ. Anyway, since I don't know anyone else following this series, I shall fangirl here :D
ReplyDeleteI still find Kanetsugu's boyish enthusiasm cute actually. Maybe that's because I only started watching from episode 5 (for Sakichi, hahaha) but anyway he only shows signs of maturing at episode 8. (I don't want to torrent, so I'm muddling my way through with the chinese subs online. Btw, some of your observations are spot on.)
I didn't know it was Hatsune who told Sakichi to save Kanetsugu...well, I didn't know who Hatsune was, period. When I first saw the flashback where Kanetsugu remembered her talking about Hideyoshi, I thought she was Ranmaru wtf. But yes, I wish there was more Sakichi, with or without Hatsune. Given their interaction in this episode, scenes of them together should be quite amusing.
I'm liking Kagekatsu so, so much :3. So strong and silent. So...stoic! I love all the scenes with Kagekatsu and Kanetsugu :).