Monday, May 4, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 6 & 7]

Significant Events:
Episode 6
- (1576) The Uesugi keeps advancing towards Nobunaga, first attacking Etchu and Nanao Castle.
-Shibata Katsuie is sent to fight the Uesugi.
-Naoe Kagetsuna falls ill and has to returns to Kasugayama.
-Osen is officially betrothed to Nagao Kagetaka.
- Kanetsugu starts a fight in camp and is sent back to Uedanosho.

Episode 7
-(January 1577) Kanetsugu reflects on himself at Untoan.
-(Febuary 1577) Hojo Ujimasa rises to conquer Kanto again and the Useugi army decides to return to Kasugayama to fight them off.
-Naoe Kanetsuna passes away. Osen’s new husband, now named Naoe Nobutsuna, takes his place.
-(July 1577) The Uesugi army manages to repress the Hojo and returns to Nanao Castle.
-Kanetsugu’s mother passes away.

Note: Obviously since the new file format prevents me from loading the videos into virtualdub (it’s quite formidable actually, the program I usually use to convert .mkv files couldn’t even recognize the format. I have high hopes that this type of file can’t be uploaded by nasty streamers, yay) all screens were captured using the print+screen option. 8’D I apologize for any lack of quality.

What do you think? >D

Is anyone else amused at how much “new” effects they try to do in this taiga? Like the whole fading in and out effect for Kanetsugu and Hatsune’s meeting? I can’t say if I like it or dislike it; it’s kind of cool but then again it seems kinda of messy too. And those weird random “black out the surroundings and have the characters stand in a spotlight” moments? I dunno how I feel about those yet either, but it does make the scenes more dramatic that’s for sure. Oh well, at least no more echoing for now. 8’D

So, I watched these two episodes pretty close together (for anyone who is keeping up with the English subs, you know why) and since they seem to correspond well with each other I figured I’d just do one post for both. So, to start off we finally get to see some real character development with Kanetsugu. It’s kind of interesting how the creator decided to do it. I’m used to gradual character development in taiga dramas (and in most series for that matter) so the whole “building up” of a naïve, cry-baby Kanetsugu and automatically shattering that image with his first battle + his mother’s death was somewhat surprising, maybe even rushed. But then again, it is realistic: sometimes it just takes a huge event or two in one’s life to drastically change who they are (or who they want to be).

Continuing on with my theory of “Kanetsugu lives in a justice!snow-globe,” it was somehow like a “duh” moment when Kanetsugu realized that the people he was fighting and dying also had family. I mean, seriously who did he think he was fighting, people that dropped out of the sky? But then again, it was his first battle and sometimes I think maybe he was just so caught up in the times (I just re-watched Komyo ga Tsuji and found this part very similar to Kazutoyo’s development) he didn’t really realize anything up until now… he only understood the idea of it. Moreover the dream Kanetsugu had where he was questioning Kenshin about how he could kill people just for the sake of justice just seems to support this fact. It’s a nice contrast to his immature self that just blindly worshiped Kenshin and his ideals.

You know, just judging from series like Samurai Warriors (Yukimura, Kanetsugu) and Sengoku Basara (Yukimura) it seems that they always like to repeat the theme of sengoku characters (at least the ones who were known for devotion?) “not cherishing themselves more.” It was the same way in Tenchijin, although I have yet to grasp the full connection of how Kanetsugu has learned the importance of that by just realizing that he wants to become a “maple-like” vassal.

I burst into tears right at this exact line. Seriously.

Gah, there was so much symbolism and psychological development in episode seven I just might have to re-watch it again just to be able to analyze it and grasp it fully. But one thing’s for sure, it almost made me cry. Okay, it did make me shed a few tears, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as when I watched Komyo ga Tsuji or Fuurin Kazan. I cried out loud in those (good times, good times). TwT What to say what to say… I guess in the end all Kanetsugu really had to do was visit his mother again and be reminded of his goal in life before he was able to move on. But in any case, I really really love Kanetsugu’s mother, and am sad to see her go. TwT There hasn't been much emphasis on the role of the mother in taiga (besides Musashi), so I must say it was awesome watching Ofuji from time to time. She’s such an awesome mother and woman, so strong yet kind-hearted.

Osen: "Yeah right. I''ll give you another 4 episodes."

The last scene with the maples was absolutely beautiful. Kanetsugu and Osen seem to have gotten friendlier with each other too, I can’t wait until they get married. Bottom line: I’m glad Kanetsugu has changed for the better, though I hope he doesn’t change his personality too much (kinda defeats the purpose of finding yourself, no?). I still love how he is minus all the crying and immaturity of course. 8D Not too much talk for two episodes but it’ll do. I still have episode 8 to catch up on, gah! ANYWAYZ, ON TO SCREENTALK!

Anyone else find this scene absoloutely stunning? *A* Stop being so cool Nobunaga, seriously.

The b-background. So pretty, oh mai. <3

Not really an important scene, but I really liked the symbolism they used here.

I think this is the most thoughtful I've ever seen him look.
Daaaw, that is so true. We'll miss you Ofuji. TwT

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 5]

Significant Events
-Nobunaga defeats the Takeda at Nagashino and invades Echizen and Etchu.
-Introduction of Ishida Sakichi (Mitsunari), a newly hired retainer of Hideyoshi.
-Kagetora and Hana have their first son named Domanmaru.
-Osen gets engaged to continue the Naoe family line because Oyu becomes a nun.
-(1576) Kenshin decides to fight against Nobunaga and moves to invade Etchu.

My Ramblings:
Meh, this episode wasn’t as epic as I thought it would be but it was still good nevertheless. The politics definitely came back into the main plot after Kanetsugu barely escapes from Nobunaga with his life (lol). Nothing much really happened though, and the character relationships have been put in the background for now while Kenshin’s character development and the overall emphasis of the attitude of the Uesugi were the main priorities of the episode.

Too late. Nobunaga is not pleased. :<

Let’s first start off with the minor character developments. Oh gawd, I completely love Nobunaga in this episode. He was already seriously evil and bad-ass in the previous episodes (I still think his actor is amazing for being able to do the slow smirk so well *A*), but he was definitely at his best in this episode. You’ve got some serious competition Komyo ga Tsuji!Nobunaga (him being an equally amazing Nobunaga). Hideyoshi also surprisingly got a very nice, more refined personality change now that he’s the lord of a castle. I must say I’m really starting to enjoy his performance. And can anyone say Tsundere!Kagekatsu? Oh man, I missed seeing that side of Kagekatsu so much. He’s even starting to talk more! Daaw, I’m so proud of him. 8’D

The whole development with Kenshin was really memorable. He’s the kind of lord that lives on justice, yes, and as Nobunaga said maybe that justice was just “an excuse” to go into battle. But everyone has their own reasons, selfish or not, to go into battle so that really isn’t the point. The interesting part about it was that Kenshin actually had some hesitation in wanting to send his soldiers out to battle Nobunaga for the sake of “justice,” which is strange since I’m pretty sure that every time he fought it was for the sake of justice (aside from maybe him fighting his elder brother). But I guess he comes to this sort of realization that he if he does fight Nobunaga, it won’t necessarily be for unifying Echigo, it won’t be for the good of his people only, but something on a grander scale, which makes him hesitant to “follow his heart.” I find that Kenshin is very much like an older, more mature version of Kanetsugu. While Kanetsugu is impulsive and always acts on his emotions, Kenshin is the more rational side of him; he wants to make sure he isn’t going into battle for the wrong reasons based on only his emotions alone.

My thoughts exactly Osen, my thoughts exactly.

Kanetsugu, Kanetsugu... I’m starting to get tired of him really fast. D8 When he was young, he was cute and naïve, and that was more than acceptable for a tween. But by the end of the episode, it’s 1576 and he is now seventeen years old... and he still hasn’t matured, must less changed. I don’t mind if Kanetsugu stays an overly passionate samurai; he can still be a devoted retainer, he can still live by justice, he can still pretend he’s not in love with Osen, I just wish he would realize he lives in reality and not some sparkly justice!snow globe. The next episode (judging from the previews) seems to further my point. Augh, it’s one of those episodes I really didn’t want to have in Tenchijin (this isn’t Peace Maker Kurogane, wtf). Well, I suppose character growth has to start somewhere and better late than never.

Mmm, I smell a new favorite couple in the making. 8'D

Let’s talk about Hatsune and S-Sakichi. Omg, I never realized that Mitsunari had such an adorable childhood name (I must write SW!fanfiction based off this now 8’D). It seems like Mitsunari and Hatsune have this kind of… weird relationship going on. For one, I didn’t think that Mitsunari would actually consent to do things for Hatsune (I mean, heck it's not like Hatsune couldn't have saved Kanetsugu herself, hee hee). It’s like they are friends but not exactly friends… partners in crime maybe. *snickers* In any case I really hope to see more of them together, they seem like a couple I would like (and write fanfiction on 8'D). Well that’s enough talking for one episode, screen talk time!

Wut is this, a shoujo manga? ROFL.


Oh Kagekatsu, you tsundere. 8'D

Some Japanese culture for you all, ehehe...

Preview for the next episode. This does not bode well. :<

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 4]

Nobunaga: "I solemny swear I am up to no good."

Significant Events:
-The riots in Etchu are quelled.
-Kagetora and Hana-hime get married!
-Nobunaga has successfully cast out Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki and defeated the Azai and the Asakura. A year later in 1574, Nobunaga sends a golden painted screen as a gift to Kenshin to test his intentions.
-Introduction of Hatsune, Nobunaga’s messenger.
-Kanetsugu is sent as the messenger for the return gift to Nobunaga.

My Ramblings:
One thing I must note before I start on the talk: I MUST have that piano piece that has been playing throughout the sad/peaceful parts so far. It’s so pretty! *.* Maybe I’ll get the OST or something. So, in this episode another year has passed, which means Kanetsugu is now fifthteen. Keeping his age in mind while watching Tenchijin has made me grown to like Kanetsugu a lot; he’s simply adorable with his cry-baby ways.

Dum Dum DUUUM~

This episode finally kicks in with the romance between Osen and Kanetsugu, though I’m quite sure it’s not to the point of love yet. It was priceless watching Kanetsugu acting so young and shy around Osen during the rainstorm. Kanetsugu is found of Osen, that much I can tell, but with Kagekatsu’s affection for Osen in the way, he seems to deny it himself. He may never cease to be a devote follower of Kagekatsu, but I can’t help at this point thinking that this is probably his greatest strength and flaw at the same time. Of course with such strong devotion, he is a great person and a great retainer, but despite that, the same devotion often tends to make him place others above himself all the time. He denies himself of thoughts and desires that could go against his lord’s best interests (as demonstrated with him running out into the rain).

Oyuu: "Pfft, don't even try to hide it."

As for Osen, she’s probably not in love with Kanetsugu, but definitely favors him and cares about him. It might seem as first to be the affection of an older sister, but I have a feeling from her temper she had after she talked to Kanetsugu about Hana-hime’s gift says something else, perhaps nothing along the lines of romantic love, but maybe a sort of innate desire for Kanetsugu to recognize her as someone important to him (hence her frequent, “I saved you from that tree n00b and you don’t remember anything!”)

You've got the 'staring' part down Kagekatsu, now you just have to talk. 8'D


On to the other couples/romances! Kagekatsu has gotten in a few words with Osen here and there, but seriously, they’ve only talked about Kanetsugu so far. If Kagekatsu wants a relationship, he’s going to have to do better than that ROFL. I don’t remember too clearly, but I believe the relationship between Oyuu and Kenshin was also a small detail in Fuurin Kazan as it is in Tenchijin. I can’t help but feel sorry for her, since Kenshin won’t ever take a wife. On the other hand, Kagetora and Hana are so adorable. The lines between them were a little cheesy, yes, but considering the actual history of the Uesugi clan later, I think Hana’s words then will have great significance in the future for the two of them. I will enjoy their relationship while it lasts. TwT ONWARD to screen shot talk!

Drunk Osen= best scene in the entire episode. 8D

You're telling me. I have to wait a whole week to see the next episode! D8

Other than that I don’t have much to say about this episode, other than Kanetsugu is SO DEAD after he gets to Gifu (see above). I’m intrigued at to how he’s going to save his own ass (maybe Mitsunari will help, y/y? 8D).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 3]

Catch phrase of the year. Pffft.

Significant Events:
-The Uesugi decide to lend aid to the forces in Etchu. However, being cautious of the Takeda, Kenshin also places forces at Tossaka Castle. Kanetsugu has a hunch that Shingen is already dead and therefore they should head for Kyoto, but his suggestion is rejected.
-Introduction of Uesugi Kagetora, a hostage from the Hojo Clan and Kenshin’s second adopted son.
-Introduction of Osen, the daughter of Naoe Kagetsuna and cousin to Kanetsugu.
-Kagekatsu falls in love with Osen.
-Nobunaga and Kenshin learn of Shingen’s death.

My Ramblings:
Out of all the episodes so far, the entertainment value for this one was sky high. The politics barely took up any of the plot, as the episode jumps straight into introducing characters and developing them and their relationship with others. From this episode alone I think that Tenchijin would be an awesome first taiga for anyone, mainly because it’s very new with well-known, young actors and elements (hello, girls fawning/fainting over a hot guy? High school drama anyone? XD) that make it feel more like a regular drama than a historical one.

Is anyone else amused that Hisahide isn't even surprised when he walks in on them? 8'D

But moving on, I think one thing should be mentioned, when watching this episode especially, is the fact that Kanetsugu is only fourteen at this time. Yes, fourteen. I checked back on episode one and the year when Yoroku was five years old was 1564. Then on episode two the year for the time skip was 1573. Only nine years have passed! Now, if Kanetsugu is only fourteen, than likewise Kagekatsu and all the other pages will probably be only in their late teens at the most. The only reason I point this out is because it’s painful to watch someone you think is a grown man (or in my case, as least in their early twenties lol) act like such a child and cry rivers about everything. But when you put his age into perspective, everything is a lot more plausible. Kanetsugu still is a child after all.

And so concludes Taiga Rule #2: Any one character can only have two actors/actresses. AKA You look about the same from the time when you are a teenager to when you are fifty.

Hana is just adorable~ Dammit, I swear I'm gonna turn bi before Tenchijin is over. 8'D

But that aside, what to say about this episode? There’s really too much fun things I could note, but I’ll try to just center my thoughts around the things I found really entertaining. One thing I really noticed straight away about Kanetsugu and Kagekatsu is their amazing relationship as complete opposites. When Kiheiji said he didn’t talk much last episode, he wasn’t kidding. Kagekatsu barely says anything at all, and when he does it’s only, at the most, one sentence responses or deathly glares, but he does smile and does absolutely goofy things occasionally (omg, the whole sword cleaning fiasco? Priceless). He’s a tsundere, to put it shortly. Kanetsugu, on the other hand, has energy drinks for breakfast all the time and is always doing his best to let his lord shine or help him succeed, even to the point of writing love letters in place of him and giving Kagekatsu credit for his own ideas. He’s emotional, childish, but very smile worthy. I especially adored the part where he saved Kagekatsu’s ass by dancing during the pre-battle celebration. 8D They work very well together, IMO.


Let’s talk about Osen. Wow, she’s my hero. She’s a kind of “modernized” heroine, the kind of girl that could kick-your ass at horse riding yet also the type that likes to fixes her appearance in the mirror afterwards. She’s direct, very refined, yet playful all at the same time (plus you have to be quite a character to be able to command your father’s lord’s son to “make himself clear” without getting in trouble for it 8D). I feel sorry for her maid actually, lol. I’ve also read somewhere that she's supposed to be about five years older than Kanetsugu maybe, so I’m guessing she’s around Kagekatsu’s age. All in all, she’s such a breath of fresh air from all the other heroines in the taiga I’ve seen so far, with perhaps maybe the exception of Yodo from Komyo ga Tsuji and Otsu from Musashi. I think I’ll let my screens do the rest of the talking, hmm?

Wardrobe change! And yes, I do have a crush on Kenshin (or more specifically Abe's Kenshin <3)

Now this is my kind of party. Kekeke.

Dammit Kagetora stop being so hawt. D8

Pretty pretty Osen down by the lake. I love this scene. <3

Why in the world is she wearing that? XD Sanada Yukimura's sister, for all those who are curious.

8’D I can’t wait for the next episode. Hatsune~!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 2]

Does anyone else not see how those straw outfit s are suppose to keep people warm?

Significant Events
-Yoroku runs away from the temple and Kiheiji goes after him.
-Kiheiji and Yoroku form a “bond.”
-(Time Jump) Kanetsugu and Hisahide spy on the Takeda and run into Takeda general Kosaka Danjo of Kaeda Castle. They are almost mauled by the Takeda soldiers when he realizes they are spies.
-The Asai, Asakura, and Mori have allied against Nobunaga, who has control of Kyoto, while Takeda Shingen also marches against him from the western side.

My Ramblings
Not many Taiga dramas start out with a whole two episodes devoted to the childhood of the main character, and in that aspect, I think Tenchijin is amazing. The whole “lord/retainer” bond between Keheiji and Yoroku is rather interesting. Their personalities really complement each other well: Kiheiji is refined and almost never speaks and keeps to himself while Yoroku is stubborn and hot-headed and seems to be incapable of keeping anything to himself (lol). I’m interested to see how they’ll get along now that they’ve grown and developed even more contrasting personalities (judging from the previews).
This scene was even sadder than the first parting. BAW~

And once again, Yoroku’s mother wins extra points. Where else in the world would you find a mother who kicks her five year old son back out in the winter cold in the middle of night for his own good? TwTb I honestly felt more sorry for her than Yoroku. And then right after that came the epic scene where Kiheiji comes to fetch Yoroku, which I think was one of the best (if not obviously symbolic) scenes out of the whole episode. The light, the small glance Kiheiji makes towards Yoroku's mother, it was all very... fate-like and mystical.

In any other setting, this would have been a love confession. 8'D

But philosophy aside, this is episode was also just full of win and so much cute. So many instances just made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside AKA Kiheiji "secretly" looking out for Yoroku (rice ball scene anyone?), Kiheiji telling Yoroku that he cries too much, Yoroku’s mother seeing Kiheiji carry Yoroku… I’m really starting to like Kagekatsu even more so than Kanetsugu right now, which is strange since I usually tend not to like stiff types. Another scene that was strangely awesome (and amazingly dorky) for me was Kanetsugu imagining Kenshin at Kawanakajima. Oh Kanetsugu, you fanboy~ Seeing Nobunaga throw his things all over the place for Hideyoshi to catch also made me giggle.


The only slight downside? I really wish they didn’t do the echo when Kiheiji asked Yoroku to stay with him. It just ruined the scene for me. D8 This episode has gotten better with the slow-mo moments for now, but I’m still scared that later on during some epic scene they do it again and ruin it. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching a regular Japanese drama instead of a Taiga when viewing Tenchijin but I guess it’s something new and to be expected, with a character like Kanetsugu being the main lead and all (look above for reference 8'D).

Lady Sento-in is amazingly gorgeous. *w*

Kagekatsu: ...What?

And as for the preview for next episode: Did I just see Kagekatsu fall in love with Osen? I had suspected that they were going to do that but GAH I didn’t really expect them to do it, you know? I’m really curious how this mess is going to be resolved (unless of course they don’t resolve it like they did in Fuurin Kazan, ahaha).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tenchijin [Episode 1]

Kato Seishiro stole the entire show. Amazing acting on his part.

Significant Events:
-The “murder” of Nagao Masakage
-Kiheiji and Yoruko "meet"
-Uesugi Kenshin adopts Kiheiji
-Yoruko becomes a page to Kiheiji

My Ramblings:
As usual, the first episode is about an hour long… and made me laugh my ass off. In a good way. 8D I don't do summaries btw, so just look at the significant events if you want to know what happened in these episodes. In the beginning, I admit I was getting scared at how dramatic it was, because everyone knows that “too much drama” turns into “too cheesy.” But after a while, it gradually got much better (aside from the few occasionally really cheesy “slow-motion” scenes) and before I knew it I almost wanted to cry when Yoroku had to leave his family (it’s only the first episode, I’m not suppose to cry YET, dammit).

Taiga Actor/Actress Requirement #1: The ability to make your eyes glossy at any given time.

Kanetsugu is the dorkiest samurai lead you will ever see in a Taiga drama, hands down. But somehow, that aspect of him is really appealing, and I can definitely tell that throughout the series, everyone will be attracted to how pure and honest he is, despite their initial reactions of him. His interaction with Kagekatsu in the first scenes is pure gold. In fact, I love Kagekatsu’s “I only smile once every month at the most,” personality and I really look forward to seeing more of him.
I love this girl already. Why so awesome, Osen?~


One thing I love about Taigas is their women characters. I mean, the men, although they have different personalities usually just follow one destiny, but the women always seem to have drastically different paths to follow and they always have such unique attitudes and trails they must face as traditional women. Yoruko’s mother, for example, has to send way her child to become a page when he’s five years old. I mean, five years old, that’s hella young, but in the end she somehow musters up the strength to let him go for his own benefit. I really admire her for that, and no doubt I think it was one of my favorite moments out of this entire episode.

Our second child star, the anti-social Kiheiji. TwT

Uesugi Kenshin doesn't get any more bad-ass than this. <3

Or this. I want his cape, dammit. 8D

And finally, Oguri Shun for all you fangirls. Check out the back of this hair when you get a chance, btw, it's really... quite intriquite. 8D

Overall, very exciting, engaging episode. My favorite opening episode out of all the Taigas I watched so far actually (Komyo ga Tsuji, Fuurin Kazan, and Musashi for the record), and can’t wait for more (though I really hope they won’t have any more cheesy “slow-mo” moments).