Significant Events:
Episode 6
- (1576) The Uesugi keeps advancing towards Nobunaga, first attacking Etchu and Nanao Castle.
-Shibata Katsuie is sent to fight the Uesugi.
-Naoe Kagetsuna falls ill and has to returns to Kasugayama.
-Osen is officially betrothed to Nagao Kagetaka.
- Kanetsugu starts a fight in camp and is sent back to Uedanosho.
Episode 7
-(January 1577) Kanetsugu reflects on himself at Untoan.
-(Febuary 1577) Hojo Ujimasa rises to conquer Kanto again and the Useugi army decides to return to Kasugayama to fight them off.
-Naoe Kanetsuna passes away. Osen’s new husband, now named Naoe Nobutsuna, takes his place.
-(July 1577) The Uesugi army manages to repress the Hojo and returns to Nanao Castle.
-Kanetsugu’s mother passes away.
- (1576) The Uesugi keeps advancing towards Nobunaga, first attacking Etchu and Nanao Castle.
-Shibata Katsuie is sent to fight the Uesugi.
-Naoe Kagetsuna falls ill and has to returns to Kasugayama.
-Osen is officially betrothed to Nagao Kagetaka.
- Kanetsugu starts a fight in camp and is sent back to Uedanosho.
Episode 7
-(January 1577) Kanetsugu reflects on himself at Untoan.
-(Febuary 1577) Hojo Ujimasa rises to conquer Kanto again and the Useugi army decides to return to Kasugayama to fight them off.
-Naoe Kanetsuna passes away. Osen’s new husband, now named Naoe Nobutsuna, takes his place.
-(July 1577) The Uesugi army manages to repress the Hojo and returns to Nanao Castle.
-Kanetsugu’s mother passes away.
Note: Obviously since the new file format prevents me from loading the videos into virtualdub (it’s quite formidable actually, the program I usually use to convert .mkv files couldn’t even recognize the format. I have high hopes that this type of file can’t be uploaded by nasty streamers, yay) all screens were captured using the print+screen option. 8’D I apologize for any lack of quality.
What do you think? >D
Is anyone else amused at how much “new” effects they try to do in this taiga? Like the whole fading in and out effect for Kanetsugu and Hatsune’s meeting? I can’t say if I like it or dislike it; it’s kind of cool but then again it seems kinda of messy too. And those weird random “black out the surroundings and have the characters stand in a spotlight” moments? I dunno how I feel about those yet either, but it does make the scenes more dramatic that’s for sure. Oh well, at least no more echoing for now. 8’D
So, I watched these two episodes pretty close together (for anyone who is keeping up with the English subs, you know why) and since they seem to correspond well with each other I figured I’d just do one post for both. So, to start off we finally get to see some real character development with Kanetsugu. It’s kind of interesting how the creator decided to do it. I’m used to gradual character development in taiga dramas (and in most series for that matter) so the whole “building up” of a naïve, cry-baby Kanetsugu and automatically shattering that image with his first battle + his mother’s death was somewhat surprising, maybe even rushed. But then again, it is realistic: sometimes it just takes a huge event or two in one’s life to drastically change who they are (or who they want to be).
Is anyone else amused at how much “new” effects they try to do in this taiga? Like the whole fading in and out effect for Kanetsugu and Hatsune’s meeting? I can’t say if I like it or dislike it; it’s kind of cool but then again it seems kinda of messy too. And those weird random “black out the surroundings and have the characters stand in a spotlight” moments? I dunno how I feel about those yet either, but it does make the scenes more dramatic that’s for sure. Oh well, at least no more echoing for now. 8’D
So, I watched these two episodes pretty close together (for anyone who is keeping up with the English subs, you know why) and since they seem to correspond well with each other I figured I’d just do one post for both. So, to start off we finally get to see some real character development with Kanetsugu. It’s kind of interesting how the creator decided to do it. I’m used to gradual character development in taiga dramas (and in most series for that matter) so the whole “building up” of a naïve, cry-baby Kanetsugu and automatically shattering that image with his first battle + his mother’s death was somewhat surprising, maybe even rushed. But then again, it is realistic: sometimes it just takes a huge event or two in one’s life to drastically change who they are (or who they want to be).
Continuing on with my theory of “Kanetsugu lives in a justice!snow-globe,” it was somehow like a “duh” moment when Kanetsugu realized that the people he was fighting and dying also had family. I mean, seriously who did he think he was fighting, people that dropped out of the sky? But then again, it was his first battle and sometimes I think maybe he was just so caught up in the times (I just re-watched Komyo ga Tsuji and found this part very similar to Kazutoyo’s development) he didn’t really realize anything up until now… he only understood the idea of it. Moreover the dream Kanetsugu had where he was questioning Kenshin about how he could kill people just for the sake of justice just seems to support this fact. It’s a nice contrast to his immature self that just blindly worshiped Kenshin and his ideals.
You know, just judging from series like Samurai Warriors (Yukimura, Kanetsugu) and Sengoku Basara (Yukimura) it seems that they always like to repeat the theme of sengoku characters (at least the ones who were known for devotion?) “not cherishing themselves more.” It was the same way in Tenchijin, although I have yet to grasp the full connection of how Kanetsugu has learned the importance of that by just realizing that he wants to become a “maple-like” vassal.
I burst into tears right at this exact line. Seriously.
Gah, there was so much symbolism and psychological development in episode seven I just might have to re-watch it again just to be able to analyze it and grasp it fully. But one thing’s for sure, it almost made me cry. Okay, it did make me shed a few tears, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as when I watched Komyo ga Tsuji or Fuurin Kazan. I cried out loud in those (good times, good times). TwT What to say what to say… I guess in the end all Kanetsugu really had to do was visit his mother again and be reminded of his goal in life before he was able to move on. But in any case, I really really love Kanetsugu’s mother, and am sad to see her go. TwT There hasn't been much emphasis on the role of the mother in taiga (besides Musashi), so I must say it was awesome watching Ofuji from time to time. She’s such an awesome mother and woman, so strong yet kind-hearted.
Osen: "Yeah right. I''ll give you another 4 episodes."
The last scene with the maples was absolutely beautiful. Kanetsugu and Osen seem to have gotten friendlier with each other too, I can’t wait until they get married. Bottom line: I’m glad Kanetsugu has changed for the better, though I hope he doesn’t change his personality too much (kinda defeats the purpose of finding yourself, no?). I still love how he is minus all the crying and immaturity of course. 8D Not too much talk for two episodes but it’ll do. I still have episode 8 to catch up on, gah! ANYWAYZ, ON TO SCREENTALK!

Anyone else find this scene absoloutely stunning? *A* Stop being so cool Nobunaga, seriously.
Anyone else find this scene absoloutely stunning? *A* Stop being so cool Nobunaga, seriously.
The b-background. So pretty, oh mai. <3
Not really an important scene, but I really liked the symbolism they used here.
I think this is the most thoughtful I've ever seen him look.
Daaaw, that is so true. We'll miss you Ofuji. TwT